Friday, January 13, 2006

M o v i e - Mirage or Image

MOVIE - CINEMA - ART - ENTERTAINMENT - The moment this word flashes into our minds , Immediately we go to a bliz state of relaxation.
Does this 5 letter word control all the 4 directions of our 6 senses?
Is it a part of our life which we cannot live without ?
Whats this movie entertainment all about

Hope most of us would agree to that fact that movies n arts are for entertainment : an outsourcer of all our worries , tensions and rejuvenate ourselves.Trying to pen down some pros and cons of movies would never end as each one of us are UNIQUE and our views differ but still to highlight sumthings

Pros - Relaxation , Tension Relief , Hangout with friends , Universally available , etc.
cons - Inducing bad thots into the minds of Youth and Cultural Violences and cultivation of malpractices as impresed by the movie stars

Yet dis blog focuses on diff View.. Is movies reflection of our realistic lives or Illustionary Fantasy Dreamz??

With the undeniable fact that our day-2-day lives are intertwined with ever-fascinating E World , how much we influence the outcome of the stories in movies and the vice versa? Thats the thought to be flashed upon here. People might argue - that most of today's movies are inculcators of bad sick Youthy environment and a total spoiler of our Cultural Values. The other sector might pound on the quite most-of-times acceptable facts that entertainment is all about everything and the individual is responsible for the negatives influences from the movies. Well the world seems to be educated of high-tech stuffs and what not - but why is then the maturity to demarcate the limits of the influence of movies on us been not reached yet. We cant deny the fact that they are not to be a stand-alone world but deep enrooted into our Lifes.

When we see some really good movies, the reviews come out very outspoken and frank. Movies might be appreciated because of its story / performance / action / songs. Such movies run for long times. But for people who are always on the verge of denying that movies do influence our life and they are just CULTURAL BLASTERS - i wud like to post a Q to you. We all know that movies with just entertainment stuffings and do great markets while at sametime movies with just so-amicable lively close-to-heart storylines doesn't clinch victories in business and reviews though carrying just gud critics' reviews. Will just reviews be enough to encourage the buzzing E World to give more of such movies??Are we not a part of this and to be blamed for it ??

Movies - action / comedy / romance / drama / adventure / cartoon / documentary / plays - all these various E forms are just a reflection of what the society - ME U n Oders need are - inspite for our visually but yet monotic daily world. So why in that case blame the after-effects on movies alone when da root causes underlie in us? Why dont we think it as a Closed loop - U support good movies - good performances only - E world makes such movies back to entertain U . R on d oder hand - U just support purely entertainment time sneakers and critize that movies are mirages - real time fantasies - A medium of visualising one's dreams - Alwayz Impossible Stuff.

With the era of movies ageing mostly near to that of human race , its been parallelising right from our ancestral ages. So we cant deny the very fact that movies are a part of life or else the [E] Buzz might have been in museums along with Extinct Dinoz. So its the responsiblity of the viewers aka society as such to support movies which are gonna reflect themselves in their real lives - which are gonna be real benefactors for the improvement of the cultural values or in other sense - viewers should know what to extract as influnces into their lives and that to demarcate as pure entertainment stuff. If that distinguishin Intelligence roots out into the society then why blame the our-hands woven E World.

You mite agree or mite not - but then think of this trivial n Virtual world viewed either as a MIRAGE of our own fantasies - dreamz - seeing which we carry on our lives satisfied or as an IMAGE - a complete reflection of the society and its happenings. Its your choice !!! Voice for your choice - provide support and appreciation for movies that are gonna be benefitiary n still entertaining - E World will then be ur PART of LIFE n not turn ur LIFE APART.

1 comment:

Ronymaru. said...
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