Friday, January 06, 2006

Accept than Expect

Accept this blog rather than you expect :)

Yeah its always been hard for anyone in this world to accept things but so easily to expect out of their life and indeed others too. The very word of ACCEPT what life is , makes everyone to just take a step aback . What does the word ACCEPT really mean in a person's life? Why do we have to accept whats happening around us - to make our life more calm, relaxed , merrier and mainly without any failures or bad moments? Is expecting things to happen in our life a SIN or CRIME ? So to wrap up these contrasting versions- DOES OUR LIFE TURN TO BE HEAVEN WHEN WE ACCEPT AND NOT EXPECT.Well this blog is just a discussion on it and not a conclusive one bcas evry1 of us have their own solutions for this .

Let me throw some light an some example scenarios

@ Love life - You love some1 so much in your life and u expect things out of that relationship. If those expecations are not met fully and you feel devestated. Instead , if you can change your attitude and start accepting things revolving their love life - then wont it become more relaxed , lovable and worthy to be living??? This love life is not jst the phase of life when we are lovers but then life after marriage and even applicable to any phase of our life .

@ Marriage - say a husbie or wife complains about how wonderful their married life was during the initial stage of their marriage which has now deterioted . The expectancy ratio from the partner to be met increases but @ the same time their percentage of acceptance decreases unknowingly. U out there might not accept this if u r a married person but come on Big deal accepting the facts and trying to work around them would surely make your life more wonderful than worrying that you are yielding yourself to your partner against your will and wish. Married life is not about yielding yourself and being yourself but its all about being together - i meant LIVING TOGETHER.

Listing down , there are innumerous scenarios tomake this discussion more vital . But blogs are meant to me short u know r lse it mite turn My readers against me:) . I would say from my personal experiences with people , whom u love and people who love you - the very feeling of making yourself accept things on for U rather than expecting from them , makes your life wonderful in the sense that you avoid failures - worrying moments about whats gonna happen in your life .The expectancy aspect knowingly or not builds a sheild around you wherein sometime in near future you might find yourself trapped in - all you do is expect thigns to happen to u - and not cherishing things that could have happened in your life if @ all you had accepted them.

So friends , just give it a thought of how lovable your life might turn if at all you try to accept things and not expect them to happen your way. It might your school or college studies , your friends n family , your love life , your career or even your married life . Try it out and you will see the difference in your life. Well for some of them it might not suit but I hope majority of you would accept ( see this concept comes every where we talk about human life and relationship na ) my version of seeing things - ACCEPT THAN EXPECT . Making life more lovable and cherishable is not an easy task , I know but then this thought presented here might start your action towards achieving the ultimatum - LIFE AS SUCH..

I hope this scrap or rather scribbling did meet your expectancy atleast 0.1%. If so , then I think I'm good or else pity for the fact - U gotta ACCEPT this scrap.Enjoy Life.


Anonymous said...

Its is good one Gk.....
I agree with u; life becomes so peaceful when we stop expecting things & try to accept it...:-)
Go ahead...

Anonymous said...
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Think Beyond, but dont think too much said...

Man,.. True,. True,..
U have made one Valid point in Life,..
Super Machi !!! [:)]

Ronymaru. said...

the life is asi.peo although one cannot control the time, if it can control the eventos.Pero are times in which the things are due to take as they come.

Gopalan Ramasubbu said...

Kathik jee,kalakurenga.First time here.Good post

Anonymous said...

hey!! very true.... damn cool! keep posting

InteraDonna said...

i like the very "ACCEPT THAN EXPECT" itself sound cool! and u know why! :)