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Accept this blog rather than you expect :)
Yeah its always been hard for anyone in this world to accept things but so easily to expect out of their life and indeed others too. The very word of ACCEPT what life is , makes everyone to just take a step aback . What does the word ACCEPT really mean in a person's life? Why do we have to accept whats happening around us - to make our life more calm, relaxed , merrier and mainly without any failures or bad moments? Is expecting things to happen in our life a SIN or CRIME ? So to wrap up these contrasting versions- DOES OUR LIFE TURN TO BE HEAVEN WHEN WE ACCEPT AND NOT EXPECT.Well this blog is just a discussion on it and not a conclusive one bcas evry1 of us have their own solutions for this .
Let me throw some light an some example scenarios
@ Love life - You love some1 so much in your life and u expect things out of that relationship. If those expecations are not met fully and you feel devestated. Instead , if you can change your attitude and start accepting things revolving their love life - then wont it become more relaxed , lovable and worthy to be living??? This love life is not jst the phase of life when we are lovers but then life after marriage and even applicable to any phase of our life .
@ Marriage - say a husbie or wife complains about how wonderful their married life was during the initial stage of their marriage which has now deterioted . The expectancy ratio from the partner to be met increases but @ the same time their percentage of acceptance decreases unknowingly. U out there might not accept this if u r a married person but come on Big deal accepting the facts and trying to work around them would surely make your life more wonderful than worrying that you are yielding yourself to your partner against your will and wish. Married life is not about yielding yourself and being yourself but its all about being together - i meant LIVING TOGETHER.
Listing down , there are innumerous scenarios tomake this discussion more vital . But blogs are meant to me short u know r lse it mite turn My readers against me:) . I would say from my personal experiences with people , whom u love and people who love you - the very feeling of making yourself accept things on for U rather than expecting from them , makes your life wonderful in the sense that you avoid failures - worrying moments about whats gonna happen in your life .The expectancy aspect knowingly or not builds a sheild around you wherein sometime in near future you might find yourself trapped in - all you do is expect thigns to happen to u - and not cherishing things that could have happened in your life if @ all you had accepted them.
So friends , just give it a thought of how lovable your life might turn if at all you try to accept things and not expect them to happen your way. It might your school or college studies , your friends n family , your love life , your career or even your married life . Try it out and you will see the difference in your life. Well for some of them it might not suit but I hope majority of you would accept ( see this concept comes every where we talk about human life and relationship na ) my version of seeing things - ACCEPT THAN EXPECT . Making life more lovable and cherishable is not an easy task , I know but then this thought presented here might start your action towards achieving the ultimatum - LIFE AS SUCH..
I hope this scrap or rather scribbling did meet your expectancy atleast 0.1%. If so , then I think I'm good or else pity for the fact - U gotta ACCEPT this scrap.Enjoy Life.
The very word of being LONELY - brings in a unknown feeling and a kinda hesitation in ourself. What exactly does happen when we are lonely - does our mind relax - does our nerves calm down and refreshes themself - do we think of who We r . Well i would say thats when actualy our mind is more confused , with millions and millions of qns in our mind . The state of being lonely - where its jst U Vs Urself . Is it a war field for conflicts of thoughts or a heaven where mind and souls relaxes to replenish U. Is it a Doom of darken thoughts or Boom of realising ourselves??? Well thats the play card today..
Whenever I feel or rather be lonely - a unusual feeling haunts me - wait should i say haunt me or rather be a diff feeling - a diff thot asking lots n lots of qns in my mind n heart . Do I need to take being lonely as - a place to find ME in myself , a playground to play with my thoughts about self realisation - or do i look it as a haunted hell where millions n millions of questions all encompass me without even allowing me to answer them 1 by 1. How we do envision this strange situation - LONELINESS. Well vrything in our life needs to be taken +vely .. Well i take them as that because the net result of being haunted or frightened by negative thots n visions r nothing but loss of priceless moments in our life which could have been spent with enjoyment and fun. Well thats for another blog ;) lol.
Well though I feel that being lonely is not my kinda thing to do . I might fool myself that I cannot stay alone or think alone , being lonely do teaches something . Its our inner mind thats got to resolve of wat its trying to teach us and it what sense does it tell that. Weel while all had plans for christmas , my friend had to go to visit his friends for 10 days vacations which forcibly put me into HOME ALONE - CAST AWAY - for 10 whole days . I just was scared of the very thot of it. But then as 2 days passed , I saw it as a oppurtunity to replenish myself , re-invent myself - to be quite useful u know. Being loenly of cours puts in a state of trauma in the initial state but then when you settle down it gives u to see the world arnd U in a diff dimension. The place where its all about U n only U - where you can sit back , relax and think what all you have thought happened in your life - a quick recheck of our thots with our checklists in mind - to see if we are leading our life in the right track.
Watching TV , cooking , cleaning houses , listening to music - these are ways of killing time when u r alone - but then why do u wanna kill time when u can live with it . Its all in our thots and how we visualise ourself being lonely. I just re-invented myself jst a few hours back when i got to read some of others' blogs and some scraps in orkut. Well i think why cant i pen down my thots so that some day i mite view them n say "wow man..u did hv brains to think this all "... Thats when i wanted to live my time rather than killing them with some other things.
Is it just being alone - a Doom where U have nothing to think about and just sit back haunted back with wierd thots n feelings and not being yourself - or its a Boom for you to re-invent urself - discover WHO WE R - well this question is for each of us to answer ( doesn't need to be alone to answer this lol ). This day - This hour do made me think of wats the essence of loneliness n Im thankful to give it a thought.
Well next time U r alone - just think am i going to take this as a DOOM or a BOOM...
Life itself is a weird playground - different field - Heaven in itself with hell underneath it. It always comes up with surprise when you expect something else.This blog is jst a thought about wat really LOVE is all about. Love: a magical word in different forms, when it pops up in anyone's mind, it immediately means between a boy n a girl. Well strange isn't it? After all the dictionary doesn't point to only 1 meaning right? Love might mean towards parents , friends , brothers and sisters, teachers n more uniquely love you have on "U" yourself. But then human brains are more inclined to see LOVE between opp sexes. Is our mind driven to think like that or We are like that? Well I'm gonna confine myself to the age zone of 20-25 because that's where most of the romance happen and Im sure no-one in this world can define or talk about life throughout the entire life zone. If any one can, then I would like to see him and get some tips lol.
Well talking about Love is gonna be tough for everyone of us because noone can define what love is?. Is it the care we have for each other ? or Intimate love or just friendly feeling? Who knows n Who can define. Well I cant. But then this magical verse brings LIFE into our LIFE. Im sure everyone would have crossed this wonderful feeling in his/her lifetime till now. Yeah I refer girl n guy Love. Thats wat we all ponder as LOVE na.
When I entered college and days passed on , things change up in your life. your attitude changes , every girl/guy u see , every chick/hunk that gives u a look (mite be out of pity too lol) makes you feel 'wow is she/he looking @ me?' - some biological changes - emotional outbreaks happen. We mite come up with intellectual talks like - this is normal in a youngster's life cycle and it should be under control. Yeah Yeah ...we all know about it, but then why do we control it if its giving us the feeling of wonderful world in ourselves. The world looks new , everything looks colorful, you feel always more easier and calm n relaxed. These doesn't come up so easily for a person in his/her lifetime unless he/she is in love.I know most of u wont agree to me as u mite argue WE R NOW MATURED. But can anyone of u stand out to say 'I have never got attracted to any girl/guy in my youth life and I was so focused on my career'. Well I wont fall into that category and neither wud I like to fall into that cader. Each one of us have some love stories - their own ROMEO - JULIET versions - hidden deep inside their hearts. But then dont ponder on it again pals. It mite bring in tears than happiness as of now :) and that's not good.
Does Love really bring in LIVELINESS into our life? Is this the only feeling which makes a human unique from other species? Is this the magical word that does magic all inside US?.. Well its easier to put up questions but then thinking on them and answering them may take a LIFE TIME even. Well nt sure about others , but then I personally went through that wonderful feeling in my life and I'm proud of it. Though ppl mite say it gives u thorns rather than the rose , well friends we all know that LOVE IS A BED OF ROSES n roses do have thorns. No one just falls into love not knowing this. We all look to get the rose without getting into the thorns but not all succeed. Some mite get the rose as simple as a snatch and some mite end up seeing only thorns n there is no rose @ all . Well that's life. But then journey towards getting that ROSE - LOVE - LIFE INTO LIFE - is a wonderful experience. It opens your heart - frees your mind - expands your boundary - brings in relaxed happiness in your nerves - makes your body rush with flashes n lightnings of spirit - makes u feel 'I'M THE KING OF THIS WORLD' (Well Leonardo did shout like that - but he didn't be 1 lol - never mind). But then the time when we are drenched into the WORLD OF BEING IN LOVE...does ny1 deny that its a wonderful phase of our life ..If so then i think he is A SPECIMEN. no offense. Its just a thot of mine.
I hope most of u will agree to the fact that "ITS BETTER TO FALL IN LOVE AND GET HURT THAN NOT FALLING INTO IT". This statement itself makes me question so many things . Why do people say that "U FALL IN LOVE" rather than " U R IN LOVE". What does falling to do with this emotional feeling Why can't they say "U RAISE IN LOVE r U R LIVING IN LOVE".Some bla bla thing but why FALL into love. Im nt sure who framed it but i think hereally felt into it and didn't wake anyways I feel that this LOVE - no matter it gives u rose or thorn - brings LIFE into ur LIFE. doesn't it?Talking about this wonderful cant fit into just one blog. Its the blog our life - updating throughout our lifetime - for some it might have had a happy ending - for some ppl "?" - for some of them "." - for some it mite nt even started its journey. But then each n evry soul has to cross this lovely LOVE into their life. IF not u btr check up with ur doc lol. Hope we all find wats into this 4 letter scrambler of our life and wat does it mean in our LIFE. Is this the heart of our LIFE or just a phase of ours. Well this mite continue in our journey of our lives but its 'US' who have to answer the questions for it and ponder over to bring in LIFE INTO OUR LIFE.I myself now sit and think "DID LOVE IN ME MAKE ME WRITE THIS BLOG?- or its jst I'M IN LOVE with L O V E". Well if i find the answer that would be my next blog.
LOVE 2 LOVE n be in LOVE.
My very first blog...Well here I'm, after almost 2 years from HEAVEN OF DREAMS aka COLLEGE.After graduation in 2003, I headed towards my new chapter of life CAREER. With all great dreams in my mind about this new world(wonder if its CAREER or CARRIER Of lifeless moments huh...). Landing in Mumbai for the first time was a nightmare in itself. Life went on making me feel for missing those wonderful times.I know I would get words of maturity - 'Come on mate..Life is full of changes'.But little do they realise that the same haunting memories are riding out mad in their minds too. Still you never feel thats life is changing seasons without any shades of the past. So packing all those utopic screenshots flashing across ma mind, I went on with my professional life where its all about lifeless work and people which we call as career maturity & convince ourselves.Entering the corporate phase, working out day n night with lifeless machines, typing out millions n millions of code daily .The same routine life picks up in rocket speed wherein in some stage we forget 'Are we one among the machines setup in our works??'.In this LOST WORLD , we tend to grow and make money at the cost of losing great life moments to be enjoyed with ppl around Us. Going on having lifeless emotionless verbal workings with the dumb-heads mite one day make us inside The Lost World. Not much with excitement, the only breaking and encouraging thing was that even when I was heading towards a LIFELESS LIFE , i did earn something valuable. A pack of good souls who were there all throught my professional years - providing an outlet to all my joys n merries, cries n laughs - I got a shoulder to cry , an arm to cling when support was needed , a foot to walk along with on my way , eyes to give me confidence via vision . Its just that we dont accept the hard-to-digest reality that we are growing old ( of course older n older ) with more responsibilites, more burdens more reality scenes. Its just ME ( r its U ) who blogs out the visionary thought that WHERE AM I HEADING TO??. Life is giving what you need @ all times , bt its in our hands to see that we have it or not.Dont you ever think that the LIFE encompassing us is what we intend to control or is it the other way around? Thats the tough call to make n I know each 1 have their versions of it. Days pass by , months pass by , years are born , calendars gets torned, all happens but does your life gets better n better?. But then if we dont even put down some minutes or even smaller secs to flash on these thoughts that sparkle all the time we think of LIFE , then what is LIFE? - Well I sometimes think that LIFE is Live It Fully with Enjoyment. But do i see it right from my mind or its from my heart. I did hear to my HEART sometimes ( mebbe my mistake !!) and went ahead to see that if im really LIVING r EXISTING???Well thats a tough call to make in vry1s life. For me I didn't feel bad to say that I LIVED until I was in the ever-green fantasy College Life but then i think i might have turned to be EXISTING and of course earning for my EXISTENCE ( hope i make some sense out here). After all those marathons for money, fame and existence into the world of nothing but lifeless possessions. Was this intended to go ahead like this in our lives or we really misssing out something that meant to be done?. Well answers might prop out when we sit down and think of it rather than say 'No Time...Have work' n thats so not fair enough to fool ourself be noted - Im into this too. These questions arouse in me when i just sit down thinking what am i doing now? well other than typing n typing with dumb machines, whats going on in my life? . Well as we all agree - asking '?' are easy , answering them Well mite take even a life. We might now be excelling as architects , administrators , for that matter any level of work , but are we there 'WHERE WE NEED TO BE? WHERE WE WANT TO BE?'. Well asking these questions myself, sometimes make me laugh @ myself. But sure I now feel that its "better late then never". But still answers are out there in the vast n strange world of life. Finding them is all in our hands, after'll its our LIFE. Do find it and Live you Life n let me google it for myself :).Though you might think that no fruitful thoughts prop out of this discussions , well thats one side of our life which we can imagine easily . But then thats not life in complete. LIVING LIFE LIVELY is a big challenge against us. Yet once we tackle it with few trick shots - optimism , straight thinking , knowing WHO R U n WHAT U WANT - that challenge is nothing not a simple password to life to enjoy to its limit. Life mite come with surprise packages - it depends on us - to take it with smiles or worry upon the setbacks... Well Im sure reading this the first thing that mite go in your mind mite be - WHAT DOES IT FINALLY BOIL DOWN. But giving it a thot mite change our lifes between the thin line of LIVING r EXISTING.Is LIFE all about searching MEANING OF LIFE? then when shall we live it ?????????????????????????????